(Updated 12 October 2024)
10.15 |
Registration, refreshments and Poster Session |
11.00 |
Welcome and Housekeeping |
11.15 |
Session 1. Tectonics and sedimentary basins. View Abstracts |
11.15 |
Tim Pharaoh |
An integrated petrogenetic and petrophysical model for the crustal structure of Southern Britain: farewell to the Charnwood Terrane |
11.50 |
Stu Clarke |
‘Earth, Fire & Water’: New insights into the evolution of the Carboniferous succession (Alston Formation) of northern England |
12.30 |
Lunch and Poster Session |
13.45 |
Session 2. Energy transition and renewables View Abstracts |
13.45 |
Paul Nathanail |
East Midlands: king coal is dead, recovering from the wake takes time |
14.15 |
David Boon |
A new Ground Source Heat Pump and geothermal observatory at BGS Keyworth |
14.35 |
Briony Bowler |
Sedimentology and the evolution of arid terminal fluvial fans: implications for reservoir heterogeneity |
14.55 |
Mike Spence |
The UK Geoenergy Observatories: New research facilities to de-risk investment in shallow geothermal energy |
15.30 |
Refreshments and Poster Session |
16.00 |
Session 3. Climate change and extinctions. View Abstracts |
16.00 |
Paul Wignall |
The end-Triassic mass extinction: the view from eastern England |
16.40 |
David Bridgland |
Quaternary evolution of the Trent: Knowns and Unknowns about its complex drainage evolution |
17.20 |
Vote of Thanks |
17.30 |
We have had a great response to our call for poster with 14 abstracts received. Topics include:
Case studies on geothermal resource potential in UK onshore sedimentary basins, and on active geothermal energy projects at sites in the East Midlands
Impact of microbial activity in potential mudstone host rocks for radio-active waste disposal
Enhanced carbon sequestration through application of crushed rock aggregates in agricultural soil management
Impacts of ocean acidification on coastal erosion and sedimentation
Sea level change, climate and Milankovitch cyclicity in Upper Carboniferous successions of the Pennines
Searching for deep, hidden green energy sources by modelling plate tectonic motion and microcontinent formation using gravity data and machine learning
Simulating tectonic plate motion along oceanic mega-transform faults
Timing of Carboniferous-Permian folding and faulting, and controls on fluid flow and mineral formation in the Pennines
Hydrocarbon reservoirs in arid alluvial fan settings
How topography modifies or amplifies the impact of climate and glacier dynamics in the formation of glacial moraines
Effectiveness of climbers' chalk as a grip enhancer on a range of common rock substrates
Case studies on geothermal resource potential in UK onshore sedimentary basins, and on active geothermal energy projects at sites in the East Midlands
Impact of microbial activity in potential mudstone host rocks for radio-active waste disposal
Enhanced carbon sequestration through application of crushed rock aggregates in agricultural soil management
Impacts of ocean acidification on coastal erosion and sedimentation
Sea level change, climate and Milankovitch cyclicity in Upper Carboniferous successions of the Pennines
Searching for deep, hidden green energy sources by modelling plate tectonic motion and microcontinent formation using gravity data and machine learning
Simulating tectonic plate motion along oceanic mega-transform faults
Timing of Carboniferous-Permian folding and faulting, and controls on fluid flow and mineral formation in the Pennines
Hydrocarbon reservoirs in arid alluvial fan settings
How topography modifies or amplifies the impact of climate and glacier dynamics in the formation of glacial moraines
Effectiveness of climbers' chalk as a grip enhancer on a range of common rock substrates
Programme Summary
10.15am - Registration and posters (refreshments available)
11.00am - Welcome
11.15am - Lectures Session 1
12.40pm - Lunch break and posters
13.40pm - Lectures Session 2
15.30pm - Refreshments and posters
16.00pm - Lectures Session 3
17.30pm - Vote of Thanks
17.40pm - Close
19.00pm for 19.30pm - EMGS 60th Anniversary Dinner
11.00am - Welcome
11.15am - Lectures Session 1
12.40pm - Lunch break and posters
13.40pm - Lectures Session 2
15.30pm - Refreshments and posters
16.00pm - Lectures Session 3
17.30pm - Vote of Thanks
17.40pm - Close
19.00pm for 19.30pm - EMGS 60th Anniversary Dinner
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